World Digital Preservation Day is annually held on the first Thursday of November. It is organized by the Digital Preservation Coalition and supported by networks and practitioners across the globe. Although every day feels like digital preservation day at Artefactual, we want to celebrate and draw attention to preservation issues tomorrow by participating in 2 events and by re-sharing in a blog post some work we learned about at iPres this year, which aligns really well with this year's WDPD theme 'Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort'.
Artefactual’s Managing Director, Justin Simpson, will kick things off at midnight Pacific time (November 1, moving into November 2) as part of the National Archives of Malaysia’s webinar program for WDPD. As one of 6 speakers, Justin will provide an overview of digital preservation systems.
At 7am Pacific time on November 2, Artefactual is hosting an online game that brings friendly competition to the world of acronyms in digital preservation, archives and technology. Do you know what UTF-8 stands for? Yes? Bring that answer. No? Bring us a funny answer. All are welcome, but you have to register to get the Zoom link.
And, at some point during the Pacific time zone work day tomorrow, we will be posting a Q&A exchange we had with Maureen Kenga, a librarian who is working to digitize and preserve the knowledge held by Indigenous Kenyan farmers in order to alleviate poverty and work towards food security.
It's going to be a good Thursday!